
A Windows application for upper body motion capture using two webcams of the same model as stereo cameras

Product Details


No special equipment required

With two webcams of the same model and a middle-range PC, you can capture upper body movements in real time.

Hand tracking and face tracking are also supported. Capture the movements of individual fingers and fine details of facial expressions.

Real-time streaming of motion and screen

Captured motion can be sent to other applications or devices in real time via the VMC protocol. It can also be saved to a file in FBX or BVH format.

App screens can also be sent to other apps or devices in real time via Spout or NDI®.

Rich visualization

Lighting, post-processing effects that simulate camera lenses, and importing video and images beautifully render your characters.


・Upper body motion capture, including hand tracking and face tracking
・Load VRM files. Load video and image sequences
・Apply lighting and post-process effects
・Export motion via VMC protocol
・Save motion to BVH or FBX files
・Export screen via Spout or NDI






Q. What is the difference with MocapForAll?

A. MocapForStreamer greatly simplifies set-up, such as camera calibration, by limiting the functionality to capturing the upper body only and imposing constraints on the cameras.